Friday 12 April 2019

Having a Painful Neck? Here are Recommended Exercises You Should Try

Most people have experienced neck pain or tension at some point in their life. Neck pain is often caused by degenerative changes in the cervical spine or poor posture. The result is stiff muscles around the neck and shoulders, which culminates to pain and limited mobility.

Causes of tension and neck pain


Poor posture is one of the most common causes of pain. A poor posture is defined as a constant strain on your neck or head as a result of movements, incorrect positions, and stress at work. Mental stress can also lead to neck pain. A weak immune system and accidents or injuries are also some of the factors that might lead to neck pain. A neck stretching machine can help to alleviate the pain as an alternative to physical workouts.

According to experts, neck tension and pain is often caused by a lack of mobility of the thoracic spine. The thoracic spine has been designed to move in flexions, rotations, and extensions. However, the thoracic spine of most people does not move in the above form but moves opposite. Poor posture has resulted to the limitations of the functional mobility of the spine. However, the use of a neck workout harness can help to reduce the tension and thereby promote a pain-free neck. Here are some exercises you should try to reduce neck pain.

1. Standing alternating knee raises


This exercise will allow you to attack your lower abdominals without climbing down onto the floor. Additionally, your heart rate will also increase after a few repetitions making it a cardiovascular exercise. In this exercise, you need to stand with your feet slightly wider and in each hand hold a dumbbell. Your arms should then be drawn up like you are trying to perform a shoulder press. Your elbows should be flexed at 90 degrees bend.

Draw your left knee up as you contract your core balancing your right leg. Your left knee should be drawn up towards your right shoulder. This exercise should be repeated several times in addition to using a neck stretching machine. 

2. Fascia roll


In this exercise, start by lying on your back. The foam roller should be placed under your back at the height of your shoulder blades. Engage your abs and glutes by raising your hips off the floor. Your back, neck, and hips should form a straight line. Support your neck by putting your hand behind your head. This exercise can be done by use of golf or a tennis ball to help target specific painful neck spots. A neck workout harness can also be used in the exercise. This can be done after the fascia roll to reduce the tension by lifting light weights.

3. Plank


This is an exercise which is mainly considered as a total body exercise which if properly performed will reduce tension and pain on your neck. Start by placing both hands on the floor slowly as you kneel and lean forward. Extend your legs and contract your core muscles. Keep the abs engaged by lowering your hips and ensure they are in line with the angle between your feet and your shoulder. 

4. The standing exercise

In this exercise, you start by standing with your back to the wall. All your arms with your entire spine should touch the wall. Pull your shoulder blades in a back and down movement. Your shoulders, wrists, and elbows should be pressed against the wall. Your arms should be moved in various positions to form different letters. While standing, your elbows should be bent and then move them up to form a W. Straighten your elbows and place your arms in a diagonal position to form a V. This exercise should be repeated several times.

5. Neck workout harness

A neck workout harness is an effective tool that is used to train the neck and prevent neck pain and tension. The neck harness is used in conjunction with other neck exercises. The harness is used with loads of different weight and it is important for starters to use loads of lightweight to avoid injuries.

6. Neck stretching machine 

Cervical traction also known as traction of the spine is a popular treatment for neck tension, pain, and injuries. In the treatment, the head is pulled away from your neck in order to eliminate compression by creating expansion. It is one of the alternatives for treating neck pain. A physical therapist conducts mechanical cervical traction by use of a neck stretching machine. As you lie flat on your back, a harness is attached to your head and your neck. The harness is hooked up to a machine which pulls your head away as it applies traction force from your head to your neck. The above-mentioned exercises are effective in relieving neck pain and tension and a person can easily try them out at home.

Monday 1 April 2019

Recommended Simple Stretches for a Stiff Neck

Having slight neck problems or stabbings never quite feels strange until you find yourself unable to move in the morning due to a stiff neck. Prevention is the best option for such long-life neck problems. If you realize you are at risk of getting a stiff neck due to the position you spend most of your time in time in, then it’s about time you started neck exercises for a stiff neck. But what if you realized too late and now you have a stiff neck, will the exercises help?

You might have taken longer to notice the small noticeable signs, and you find yourself with a stiff neck, doing the stretches will aid in alleviating the pain and stiffness. Most of these stretches are not so complicated as you will find out. If you can spare a few minutes (anywhere); during the day to ensure you do at least two to three. Having neck exercise equipment makes it all the better and simpler since you won’t be doing much, even if you are at the office. Let’s get right into the stretches since you must be eager to try if not all at least a few.

Chin to Chin Stretch

Just like the name suggests, this stretch exercise requires you to bring your chin to your chest. First and foremost, start by inhaling and exhaling to get your body into a comfortable position and state of mind. Then take in the air with your shoulders relaxed and look forward. Slightly bend your head for the chin to rest on your chest allowing your neck to stretch as far as possible due to the weight of your head.
After getting around this exercise, you can further stretch your stiff neck by placing both your hands at the back of your neck and pressing down for the chin and the chest to meet. You are advised to remain like this for about 30 seconds more depending on how comfortable you become over time. This is one of the simplest neck exercises for the stiff neck that pay off.

Tuck in Neck Stretch

Taking slight breaths is a step you should never miss in any exercise. When you are done, let your chin out as if you are reaching for something with your nose. Placing the index finger on the chin, push it back in slight movements to ensure you remove the space between the back of your head and your neck. Stay in the position for 30 seconds and do it again two to three times a set. You can always do more if you are capable.

Basic Neck Stretch

These exercises are very simple, and with the right attitude, you will be pain-free in no time. You can do some of these stretches using neck exercise equipment. While holding your left ear with your right hand, drop your head slowly on your right shoulder with as little force as possible. Let your head rest on your shoulder at its own accord. Your neck will be stretched with the weight of your head without you using so much effort. Do the exercise three to five times while staying in position for about 30 seconds. Keep alternating sides before moving to another stretch.

Side to Side Stretch

Starting with your head facing forward and your shoulders relaxed, inhale and exhale taking in as much air as you can. While exhaling, turn your head in one direction, left or right, as far as you can. Repeat this for the other side and do the exercises at least two to three times while staying in position for about 15 seconds each. You can increase the duration at which you remain in one stretching position gradually as you get better.

Shoulder Roll

One of the most paying off neck exercises for stiff neck includes the shoulder roll. You want to do this while standing, raise your hands as far up as you can manage with a swollen neck. While in this position, move your hands forward for about six to eight times. It helps if you can also manage to move your neck as well in the motion. Repeat the stretch is moving backward while motioning your head too in the process. Repeat six to eight times in a set too, and you are good to go. You want your neck and head doing as much stretching as possible.


One thing you can notice with all these exercises is that they are very involving. What if you have neck exercise equipment, does it make it less involving? Well, the answer is no. You need to work your neck, head, and shoulders as much as you can to get that much needed. Even if you had it more comfortable with neck equipment, you are still advised to let your neck and head especially be as involved in the process as possible.