Most people have experienced neck pain or tension at some point in their life. Neck pain is often caused by degenerative changes in the cervical spine or poor posture. The result is stiff muscles around the neck and shoulders, which culminates to pain and limited mobility.
Causes of tension and neck pain
Poor posture is one of the most common causes of pain. A poor posture is defined as a constant strain on your neck or head as a result of movements, incorrect positions, and stress at work. Mental stress can also lead to neck pain. A weak immune system and accidents or injuries are also some of the factors that might lead to neck pain. A neck stretching machine can help to alleviate the pain as an alternative to physical workouts.
According to experts, neck tension and pain is often caused by a lack of mobility of the thoracic spine. The thoracic spine has been designed to move in flexions, rotations, and extensions. However, the thoracic spine of most people does not move in the above form but moves opposite. Poor posture has resulted to the limitations of the functional mobility of the spine. However, the use of a neck workout harness can help to reduce the tension and thereby promote a pain-free neck. Here are some exercises you should try to reduce neck pain.
1. Standing alternating knee raises
This exercise will allow you to attack your lower abdominals without climbing down onto the floor. Additionally, your heart rate will also increase after a few repetitions making it a cardiovascular exercise. In this exercise, you need to stand with your feet slightly wider and in each hand hold a dumbbell. Your arms should then be drawn up like you are trying to perform a shoulder press. Your elbows should be flexed at 90 degrees bend.
Draw your left knee up as you contract your core balancing your right leg. Your left knee should be drawn up towards your right shoulder. This exercise should be repeated several times in addition to using a neck stretching machine.
Draw your left knee up as you contract your core balancing your right leg. Your left knee should be drawn up towards your right shoulder. This exercise should be repeated several times in addition to using a neck stretching machine.
2. Fascia roll
In this exercise, start by lying on your back. The foam roller should be placed under your back at the height of your shoulder blades. Engage your abs and glutes by raising your hips off the floor. Your back, neck, and hips should form a straight line. Support your neck by putting your hand behind your head. This exercise can be done by use of golf or a tennis ball to help target specific painful neck spots. A neck workout harness can also be used in the exercise. This can be done after the fascia roll to reduce the tension by lifting light weights.
3. Plank
This is an exercise which is mainly considered as a total body exercise which if properly performed will reduce tension and pain on your neck. Start by placing both hands on the floor slowly as you kneel and lean forward. Extend your legs and contract your core muscles. Keep the abs engaged by lowering your hips and ensure they are in line with the angle between your feet and your shoulder.
4. The standing exercise
In this exercise, you start by standing with your back to the wall. All your arms with your entire spine should touch the wall. Pull your shoulder blades in a back and down movement. Your shoulders, wrists, and elbows should be pressed against the wall. Your arms should be moved in various positions to form different letters. While standing, your elbows should be bent and then move them up to form a W. Straighten your elbows and place your arms in a diagonal position to form a V. This exercise should be repeated several times.
5. Neck workout harness
A neck workout harness is an effective tool that is used to train the neck and prevent neck pain and tension. The neck harness is used in conjunction with other neck exercises. The harness is used with loads of different weight and it is important for starters to use loads of lightweight to avoid injuries.
6. Neck stretching machine
Cervical traction also known as traction of the spine is a popular treatment for neck tension, pain, and injuries. In the treatment, the head is pulled away from your neck in order to eliminate compression by creating expansion. It is one of the alternatives for treating neck pain. A physical therapist conducts mechanical cervical traction by use of a neck stretching machine. As you lie flat on your back, a harness is attached to your head and your neck. The harness is hooked up to a machine which pulls your head away as it applies traction force from your head to your neck. The above-mentioned exercises are effective in relieving neck pain and tension and a person can easily try them out at home.